Client Immunization History Screen


The Client Immunization History screen displays a client's immunization history and provides vaccine recommendations based on the selected tracking schedule. From this screen, a user can navigate to the client's demographic information, view and update client notes, add new or historical immunizations, run select reports or print an official record, and review immunization record details.

 Information Provided

The Client Immunization History screen displays a very large portion of the information held in the system database for the selected client. Details for each of the sections of the screen are described below.



Client Name (First - MI - Last)

The client's First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name.


The client's Date of Birth.


The client's Gender.

Tracking Schedule

The Immunization Tracking Schedule that is being used to determine if the client is up to date on their vaccines.

Client ID

The client's Primary Client ID assigned by the organization that the user is logged in under.


The client's address, city, state, zip code and phone number.


Displays comments that have been entered on the client record. A start date displays if one was entered.

NOTE: Certain comments can affect the recommended vaccines tracking schedule by activating a status of "contraindicated" or "immunity".

Current Age

The client's current age in years, months, and days.  Example: 1 year, 2 months, 3 days.

Client Notes

Displays the number of client notes saved for that client.  A hyperlink to view or update the client notes opens a pop-up window to access the information.  

NOTE:  Confidential information should not be stored in client notes.  Client notes can be viewed by any provider organization with appropriate access to the system.

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NOTE:  Any immunization record (row) that appears in the Immunization History table in all Red font indicates the client had a reaction to the corresponding immunization.

Column Name


Vaccine Group

The vaccine group name for each immunization received.

 Date Administered 

The actual day the client was given the vaccine, as a hyperlink. Click the date to view the "Explanation of Dose Status" pop-up window for that particular immunization. This pop-up window displays the tracking schedule rule for that vaccine series.


A sequence number along with the total number of doses within the immunization series displays for valid immunizations.  An example is (1 of 4) with the 1 being the dose number of the immunization and the 4 being the total number of doses within the immunization series.  


NOTE: NOT VALID will display if the dose given for the immunization series was not considered to be valid within the immunization series tracking schedule rules.

 Vaccine [Trade Name]

The name of the vaccine provided by the manufacturer (Trade Name).  If no Trade Name was provided, the column will only display the type of vaccine that was administered.


The dose magnitude reflects how many doses were administered to the client. This number is not dose volume as measured in milliliters.  

Here are some examples:

  • If a single pediatric dose were administered to a child, the Dose column would display 'Full'.

  • If two pediatric doses were administered to an adult, the Dose column would display the number '2'.

  • If half the standard adult formulation of a dose were given to a child, the Dose column would display 'Half'.

The system uses this data to determine the effectiveness of the vaccination provided.



Displays an indication of whether each vaccine was entered by the user's organization. A blank means the user's organization entered the vaccine record. A "No" means the record was entered by another organization. Click on the hyperlink to view the name and contact information of the organization that entered the vaccine record.


NOTE: If there is a question about an immunization entered by another organization we urge you to contact that provider with the listed contact information.


Displays an indication of whether a reaction occurred, as a hyperlink. A blank means no reaction was entered in ImmTrac2 for the vaccine. A 'Yes' means  a reaction was recorded for that vaccine. Click the hyperlink to display a small information window with additional details.


Displays an indication of  whether the record was entered as an historical immunization. A blank means the record was entered as a recently administered vaccine. A 'Yes' means the record was entered as an historical immunization.


Displays an indication of whether the vaccine was administered during a disaster. A blank means the vaccine was not administered as part of a disaster. A "Yes" means it was administered during a disaster event.


Displays a clickable icon that navigates the user to the Edit Immunization screen.

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Column Name



Check boxes  to select any of the tracking schedule's recommended vaccines to quickly record them as administered to the client. The check box will not display if the tracking schedule's recommended vaccine is contraindicated, or if the client has received all vaccines in the series for that vaccine group.

 Vaccine Group

The names for each recommended vaccine group, as a hyperlink. Click the name to view the "Explanation of Dose Status" pop-up window to display the tracking schedule rules for that series.


Name of the vaccine.

 Earliest Date

The earliest date the client can receive the applicable vaccine.

 Recommended Date

The date the client is recommended to have the applicable vaccine.

 Past Due Date

The date the client is past due for the applicable vaccine.

Displays the Add New Immunizations screen for the client. The selected vaccine name will be pre-populated in the Immunization field on that screen for quicker entry.

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The columns in the Vaccines Recommended by Selected Tracking Schedule table may be color coded for emphasis, as defined in the table below.



A Vaccine Group name displays with a dark grey background when today's date falls on or after the Recommended Date or the Past Due Date.   

A Recommended Date displays with a green background when today's date falls on or after the Recommended Date and before the Past Due Date.

A Past Due Date displays with a green background when today's date falls on or after the Past Due Date.

A status bar displays with a dark gray background in the Earliest Date, Recommended Date and Past Due Date for the following scenarios.

  • Complete displays when the client has completed the recommended vaccine series.

  • Contraindicated displays when the client record has a comment indicating a contraindication for the specific vaccine group.

  • Maximum Age Exceeded displays when the client is older than the maximum recommended age for the specific vaccine group.

  • Maximum Doses Met or Exceeded for Vaccine Group displays when the client has received more than the maximum number of doses for the specific vaccine group.

  • Immunity Recorded for Vaccine Group displays when the client record has a comment indicating immunity for the specific vaccine group.

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Command Button Functionality

For the most part, the Client Immunization History screen displays the essential information for managing a client's immunizations. The command buttons on this screen allow the user to access key functional options in the system, as described in the table below.

Command Button


Displays the Add New Immunizations screen to enter recently administered vaccines to the client's record.

Displays the Add Historical Immunizations screen to add the dates of historical vaccinations to the client's record.

Displays the View Client screen.  From that screen, users can click the Edit Client button to make changes to the client's information.

Displays the Reports Available for Client screen to generate and print reports for the selected client. From that screen, users can click the Cancel button to return to the Client Immunization History screen.

Displays a pop-up confirmation message before opening a new browser tab to display a PDF of the report.

Follow these steps to print: In the PDF report display, hover the user's mouse over the bottom area of the screen to display the Adobe PDF floating menu bar. Select the printer icon to proceed with printing options.

When the Edit icon is clicked, the Edit Immunizations screen displays information on the selected record so that updates can be made.

Displays the Add New Immunizations screen for the selected client. The selected vaccine name will be pre-populated in the Immunization field on that screen for quicker entry.

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Explanation of Dose Status  Window

The Explanation of Dose Status Window is a pop-up window that displays the vaccination rule applied to the specific dose selected. This can aid in explaining why an administered dose was not valid or why a recommendation displays a particular date.

The window displays the schedule for the dose that was selected and includes messages and yellow highlights as part of the explanation of status. For example, to see why a dose of DTaP is marked as "Not Valid," click on the vaccination date for that dose to open a pop-up window that displays the series rules for DTaP. The window displays a comment explaining why the dose was not valid.

Viewing Tips:

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ImmTrac2 is set up to accommodate a variety of user types. Each user will have access to certain features in the application based on the role that is assigned. Online help reflects the capabilities available to provider user roles. Other user roles should refer to the user manual for more access features and capability details.